Cybersecurity Acronyms You Need to Know – Glossary
In the world of cybersecurity, keeping up with the latest trends and terminology is essential. Whether you are an industry veteran or just starting to explore the field, understanding the key terms can make a significant difference in grasping the complexities of this ever-evolving landscape. One of the first hurdles anyone encounters is the sheer volume of security acronyms used in daily discourse. From simple cybersecurity abbreviations to complex, multi-layered terms, these acronyms can be both a lifeline and a maze.
Cybersecurity Acronyms
The cybersecurity field is notorious for its heavy reliance on acronyms, reflecting its technical nature and fast pace. Terms like MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication), IDS (Intrusion Detection System), and DLP (Data Loss Prevention) are just the tip of the iceberg. These shorthand expressions serve an important function: they simplify communication among professionals who need to relay complex information quickly. However, for newcomers or even seasoned experts branching into different areas, this dense web of initials can be overwhelming. Misunderstanding or misusing these acronyms could lead to confusion, misinterpretation, and even security risks. Thus, getting a handle on the most common and impactful cybersecurity acronyms is crucial for anyone looking to succeed and stay informed in this field.
Here is our cybersecurity glossary, featuring essential acronyms and terms you will frequently encounter in the industry:
2FA - Two-Factor Authentication: Requires two verification methods.
802.1X - IEEE Standard for Network Access Control: Secure access to networks.
AAM - Automated Account Management: Automates the management of user accounts.
AAR - After-Action Report: Document detailing actions after an event.
AC - Access Control: Restricts access to resources.
ACL - Access Control List: Specifies permissions attached to resources.
ADC - Application Delivery Controller: Manages traffic for applications.
ADS - Alternate Data Stream: Secondary data attached to a file.
AEP - Application Execution Prevention: Prevents unauthorized code execution.
AES - Advanced Encryption Standard: A widely used encryption standard.
AG - Attack Graph: Maps out potential attack paths.
AI - Artificial Intelligence: Technology enabling machines to learn and adapt.
AP - Access Point: Device connecting Wi-Fi devices to a network.
API - Application Programming Interface: Allows communication between systems.
APT - Advanced Persistent Threat: Prolonged and targeted cyberattack.
ASLR - Address Space Layout Randomization: Memory protection process.
AV - Anti-Virus: Software protecting against malware.
BCP - Business Continuity Plan: Ensures operations continue after disruptions.
BGP - Border Gateway Protocol: Manages routing on the internet.
BGPSEC - BGP Security: Secures Border Gateway Protocol for network routing.
BIA - Business Impact Analysis: Identifies critical business functions.
BIOS - Basic Input Output System: Initial hardware boot instructions.
BL - Block List: List of blocked IP addresses or domains.
BPA - Business Partnership Agreement: Defines terms between business partners.
BYPASS - Bypass Access: Circumventing security controls.
C5 - Cloud Computing Compliance Criteria Catalogue: German framework for evaluating cloud security.
CA - Certificate Authority: Issues digital certificates for encryption.
CAB - Change Advisory Board: Approves or rejects proposed IT changes.
CAPTCHA - Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart: Distinguishes bots from humans.
CBC - Cipher Block Chaining: A mode of encryption.
CBC - Cipher Block Chaining: Block cipher encryption mode.
CBT - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Used for training against social engineering.
CC - Common Criteria: Standard for certifying IT products' security.
CCPA - California Consumer Privacy Act: Grants California consumers rights over their personal data.
CDN - Content Delivery Network: Distributes content to minimize latency.
CDP - Continuous Data Protection: Real-time backup solution.
CEO - Chief Executive Officer: Head of the organization.
CERT - Computer Emergency Response Team: Manages cybersecurity incidents.
CFS - Cybersecurity Framework Score: Evaluates cybersecurity risk management.
CGI - Common Gateway Interface: Allows web servers to run applications.
CIM - Common Information Model: Standard for IT management.
CIO - Chief Information Officer: Oversees IT strategy.
CIR - Cyber Incident Response: Response to cybersecurity incidents.
CIS - Center for Internet Security: Provides cybersecurity best practices and standards.
CISO - Chief Information Security Officer: Leads cybersecurity strategy.
CJIS - Criminal Justice Information Services: FBI division overseeing sensitive law enforcement data.
CM - Configuration Management: Manages configuration of IT assets.
CMDB - Configuration Management Database: Repository of IT assets.
CMMC - Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification: DoD-required framework for contractor cybersecurity.
CMS - Content Management System: Manages website content.
CO - Contingency Operations: Prepares for operational disruptions.
CPE - Common Platform Enumeration: Standard for identifying platforms.
CR - Cyber Resilience: Organization’s ability to recover from cyber events.
CRM - Customer Relationship Management: Software managing customer data.
CSIRT - Computer Security Incident Response Team: Responds to security incidents.
CSR - Certificate Signing Request: Application for digital certificate.
CTF - Capture the Flag: Security competition for skill-building.
CTI - Cyber Threat Intelligence: Data to understand and prevent threats.
DCE - Data Center Environment: Facilities housing computer systems.
DDoS - Distributed Denial of Service: Overloads a system with traffic.
DHS - Department of Homeland Security: U.S. government agency for security.
DIACAP - DoD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process: U.S. military standard.
DLP - Data Loss Prevention: Prevents unauthorized data transfer.
DMZ - Demilitarized Zone: Network area that connects to public internet.
DNS - Domain Name System: Translates domain names into IP addresses.
DNSSEC - DNS Security Extensions: Adds security to DNS.
DoS - Denial of Service: Attack that overwhelms a system.
DP - Data Protection: Ensures the security of personal data.
DPO - Data Protection Officer: Ensures data privacy compliance.
DR - Disaster Recovery: Processes for restoring critical systems.
DRP - Disaster Recovery Plan: Restores systems after a disaster.
DSS - Decision Support System: Assists in decision-making.
EASM - External Attack Surface Management: Identifies external threats.
EC - Elliptic Curve: Cryptographic algorithm used for secure communication.
EDR - Endpoint Detection and Response: Monitors end devices for threats.
eIDAS - Electronic Identification and Trust Services: EU electronic authentication.
EMM - Enterprise Mobility Management: Manages mobile device policies.
ESM - Enterprise Security Management: Manages security on an enterprise scale.
ESP - Encapsulating Security Payload: Provides encryption for IP traffic.
FEDRAMP - Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program: U.S. government cloud security.
FIM - File Integrity Monitoring: Monitors files for unauthorized changes.
FISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act: U.S. security regulation.
FTP - File Transfer Protocol: Transfers files over a network.
FUD - Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt: Strategy to influence perception.
FW - Firewall: Filters network traffic for security.
GA - General Availability: Software ready for public release.
GCC - Government Community Cloud: Government-specific cloud environment.
GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation: EU data privacy regulation.
GLBA - Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act: Requires financial institutions to protect customer financial information.
GRC - Governance, Risk, and Compliance: A framework for managing governance, risk, and regulatory compliance.
HA - High Availability: Ensures continuous system operation.
HECVAT - Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Tool: Assesses vendor security for higher education.
HIDS - Host-Based Intrusion Detection System: Monitors individual hosts.
HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act: Protects the privacy of health information.
HIPS - Host-Based Intrusion Prevention System: Protects individual hosts.
HITECH - Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act: Expands HIPAA protections for health information.
HITRUST - Health Information Trust Alliance: Manages healthcare information security and compliance.
HMAC - Hash-Based Message Authentication Code: Provides data integrity and authenticity.
HRM - Human Resource Management: Manages employee-related data.
HTML - HyperText Markup Language: Standard language for web pages.
HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol: A protocol for transmitting data over the web.
HTTPS - Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure: An encrypted version of HTTP for secure data transmission.
IAM - Identity and Access Management: Manages user access rights.
ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol: Manages internet diagnostics.
IDS - Intrusion Detection System: Detects suspicious network activity.
IG - Information Governance: Framework for data management.
IM - Instant Messaging: Real-time text communication.
INFOSEC - Information Security: Protects information from threats.
IoC - Indicator of Compromise: Evidence of a potential security breach.
IOC - Indicator of Compromise: Signs of a potential security breach.
IoT - Internet of Things: Networked devices communicating over the internet.
IPS - Intrusion Prevention System: Prevents detected threats.
IPSec - Internet Protocol Security: Secures internet protocol communication.
IR - Incident Response: Actions to manage and resolve incidents.
IRC - Internet Relay Chat: Real-time text messaging.
IRP - Incident Response Plan: Procedures for detecting and responding to cybersecurity incidents.
ISO - Information Security Officer: A professional responsible for overseeing and managing an organization’s information security program.
ISO - International Organization for Standardization: Develops standards.
ISP - Internet Service Provider: Provides internet access.
IT - Information Technology: Systems for managing and processing information in organizations.
ITIL - Information Technology Infrastructure Library: Framework for IT service management.
ITSM - IT Service Management: Manages delivery of IT services.
IV - Initialization Vector: Random value used in encryption.
JIT - Just in Time: Minimizes resource waste by efficient delivery.
KMS - Key Management Service: Manages encryption keys.
KPI - Key Performance Indicator: Measures success.
KYC - Know Your Customer: Identity verification process.
LAN - Local Area Network: Connects computers in a local area.
LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol: Manages directory information.
LFI - Local File Inclusion: Vulnerability allowing unauthorized file access.
LISP - Locator/Identifier Separation Protocol: Protocol separating network addresses.
LLM - Large Language Model: AI trained on vast data for natural language understanding.
M365 - Microsoft 365: Subscription service for Microsoft Office and productivity tools.
MDR - Managed Detection and Response: A cybersecurity service that provides threat monitoring, detection, and response capabilities for organizations.
MFA - Multi-Factor Authentication: Verifies user identity with multiple factors.
MFD - Multi-Function Device: Combines printer, scanner, copier.
MITM - Man in the Middle: Eavesdropping attack on a communication.
ML - Machine Learning: AI that enables systems to learn and adapt from data.
MSP - Managed Service Provider: Manages IT infrastructure and services for clients.
MSSP - Managed Security Service Provider: Provides outsourced security.
NAC - Network Access Control: Controls network access based on policies.
NAS - Network Attached Storage: Data storage connected to a network.
NAT - Network Address Translation: Translates IP addresses for routing.
NBAD - Network Behavior Anomaly Detection: Detects unusual network activity.
NDA - Non-Disclosure Agreement: Protects confidential information.
NDR - Network Detection and Response: Monitors network for threats.
NFC - Near Field Communication: Short-range communication technology.
NIDS - Network Intrusion Detection System: Detects network attacks.
NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology: Sets cybersecurity standards.
NOC - Network Operations Center: Monitors network health.
NSP - Network Service Provider: Offers network services.
NTP - Network Time Protocol: Synchronizes clocks over the internet.
OCSP - Online Certificate Status Protocol: Checks certificate validity.
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer: Produces hardware/software.
OPA - Open Policy Agent: Policy engine for enforcing security.
ORM - Operational Risk Management: Manages risks to operations.
OSINT - Open Source Intelligence: Gathering publicly available information for analysis.
OWASP - Open Web Application Security Project: Promotes web security.
PAM - Privileged Access Management: Controls access to sensitive systems.
PBR - Policy-Based Routing: Manages traffic based on policies.
PCI DSS - Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard: Protects payment data.
PFS - Perfect Forward Secrecy: Ensures secure key exchange.
PGP - Pretty Good Privacy: Encrypts and decrypts emails.
PII - Personally Identifiable Information: Sensitive data about individuals.
PKE - Public Key Encryption: Encrypts data with a public key.
PKI - Public Key Infrastructure: Manages digital keys and certificates.
PoC - Proof of Concept: Demonstrates feasibility of a concept.
PSIRT - Product Security Incident Response Team: Manages product incidents.
PT - Penetration Testing: Simulated cyberattack for testing defenses.
PUP - Potentially Unwanted Program: Software that may pose a security risk.
RA - Risk Assessment: Identifies and evaluates risks.
RBAC - Role-Based Access Control: Manages access by roles.
RBL - Real-Time Blackhole List: List of known spam sources.
RCE - Remote Code Execution: Exploits vulnerabilities to run code remotely.
RDP - Remote Desktop Protocol: Connects to remote computers.
ROSI - Return on Security Investment: Assesses security investment returns.
RPM - Remote Patient Monitoring: Monitors patient health remotely.
RTO - Recovery Time Objective: Targeted time for system recovery.
SaaS - Software as a Service: Cloud-based software delivery.
SAM - Software Asset Management: Manages software licenses and assets.
SAML - Security Assertion Markup Language: Manages user authentication.
SCAP - Security Content Automation Protocol: Automates vulnerability management.
SIEM - Security Information and Event Management: Analyzes security events.
SIM - Subscriber Identity Module: Identifies users in a mobile network.
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol: Sends email messages.
SOC - Security Operations Center: Monitors and manages security.
SOC - System and Organization Controls: Audit reports (SOC 1, SOC 2, SOC 3) that assess an organization’s security and privacy controls.
SOX - Sarbanes-Oxley Act: U.S. regulation for financial reporting and auditing.
SPF - Sender Policy Framework: Email authentication to prevent spoofing.
SQLi - SQL Injection: Attack injecting SQL code into a query.
SSH - Secure Shell: Protocol for secure remote access.
SSL - Secure Sockets Layer: Encrypts data for secure internet connections.
SSO - Single Sign-On: Authenticates users for multiple applications.
STIX - Structured Threat Information Expression: Standard for threat intel sharing.
SWG - Secure Web Gateway: Protects users from web-based threats.
TACACS+ - Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus: Controls network access.
TFA - Two-Factor Authentication: Verifies identity using two factors.
TISAX - Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange: European information security standard for automotive suppliers.
TLP - Traffic Light Protocol: Standard for sharing sensitive information.
TLS - Transport Layer Security: Encrypts data over networks, successor to SSL.
TTP - Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures: Describes attacker behavior patterns.
UEBA - User and Entity Behavior Analytics: Analyzes behaviors to detect threats.
USB - Universal Serial Bus: Connects devices for data transfer.
UTM - Unified Threat Management: Consolidates multiple security functions.
UUID - Universally Unique Identifier: Identifies information in computer systems.
VA - Vulnerability Assessment: Identifies and evaluates security vulnerabilities.
VAPT - Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing: Comprehensive vulnerability testing.
vCISO - Virtual Chief Information Security Officer: Outsourced CISO for cybersecurity leadership.
VLAN - Virtual Local Area Network: Separates networks virtually within a LAN.
VPN - Virtual Private Network: Encrypts internet connection for secure access.
VRM - Vendor Risk Management: Manages third-party risk.
VSS - Volume Shadow Copy Service: Creates backups of computer files.
WAF - Web Application Firewall: Filters traffic to protect web applications.
WAN - Wide Area Network: Connects large geographic areas.
WEP - Wired Equivalent Privacy: Early Wi-Fi security protocol, now outdated.
WFH - Work from Home: Working remotely outside a formal office.
WiFi - Wireless Fidelity: Technology for wireless networking, connecting devices to the internet.
WPA - Wi-Fi Protected Access: Security standard for Wi-Fi networks.
WPA3 - Wi-Fi Protected Access 3: Latest standard for Wi-Fi security.
XDR - Extended Detection and Response: Combines multiple security data sources.
XML - eXtensible Markup Language: Standard for data exchange.
XSS - Cross-Site Scripting: Attack injecting malicious scripts into websites.
YARA - Yet Another Recursive Acronym: Tool for identifying malware patterns.
ZIP - Zone Improvement Plan: Compresses files for storage or transfer.
ZTA - Zero Trust Architecture: Security model with no implicit trust.
This cybersecurity glossary provides a valuable resource for students, newcomers, and professionals looking to deepen their understanding of key terms and acronyms used across the industry. With hundreds of definitions covering everything from data privacy regulations to advanced security frameworks, this glossary serves as a comprehensive guide to help users build a foundational knowledge of cybersecurity language. Whether preparing for exams, certifications, or simply looking to enhance your professional vocabulary, this guide can aid in mastering the terminology that drives the field.
Compass IT Compliance, a trusted provider of cybersecurity and compliance consulting services, is dedicated to helping organizations safeguard their data and meet regulatory requirements. With expertise spanning penetration testing, risk management, and compliance guidance, we work with businesses to identify vulnerabilities, manage risks, and achieve compliance with standards like PCI DSS, HIPAA, and more. By sharing resources like this glossary, we continue to support both professionals and aspiring experts in understanding and navigating the evolving landscape of cybersecurity. For more information or to see how Compass IT Compliance can support your cybersecurity and compliance needs, feel free to contact us today.
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