Compass IT Compliance Blog / Cloud

Top 10 Benefits of Embracing Cloud Transformation in Your Business

Cloud Transformation

Small and large businesses alike are transitioning to digital operations, and cloud computing has become a transformative technology affecting every industry. In today's highly connected world, moving to the cloud offers significant benefits by providing on-demand, flexible, and scala …

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Enhancing Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)

Cloud Computing

In recent years, the rapid adoption of cloud computing has transformed the way businesses operate. With this transformation, however, comes the pressing need to fortify cloud security. Cloud security posture management (CSPM) emerges as a vital solution, encompassing practices and too …

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The Future of Cloud Archiving: Transforming Cybersecurity & Compliance

Cloud Archiving

Not that long ago, most records were kept in hard copy documents that were locked away in safes and filing cabinets. However, the rapid digital shift has changed the landscape significantly.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Data Center Outsourcing (DCO)

Data Center Outsourcing

Outsourcing data storage to third-party providers is a trend gaining significant momentum across organizations worldwide. Adopting this strategy brings a plethora of benefits, including significant monetary savings, improved flexibility, and a notable decrease in operational responsib …

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Recommendations from CISA's Recent “Shields Up” Warning

Recommendations from CISA's Recent “Shields Up” Warning

On February 26th, 2022, the U.S. Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued immediate Shields Up actions for organizations to take in response to the ongoing conflict with Russia. The basic guidelines are as follows:

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Is Your Head in the Cloud? Traditional Security vs. Cloud Security

Is Your Head in the Cloud? Traditional Security vs. Cloud Security

When someone asks you if your head is in the clouds, there is an implication of being impractical. However, in a cloud-based environment, or in those organizations that conduct part or all of their operations in the cloud, the question has quite the opposite meaning.

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