Compass IT Compliance Blog / Artificial Intelligence

Understanding AI-Powered Social Engineering Attacks

AI Social Engineering

Social engineering manipulates people into revealing sensitive information or granting access to systems. Traditionally, it has involved phishing emails or impersonating authority figures. Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is taking social engineering to a new level. AI attackers ca …

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Addressing the Risks of Artificial Intelligence (AI)


Artificial intelligence (AI) is a tool with transformative potential across various domains. It can enhance medical diagnoses and bolster cybersecurity, improving decision-making and efficiency. Nevertheless, like any emerging technology, AI carries certain risks.

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ChatGPT Writing Code, Replacing Developers? Not So Fast

Writing Code

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot developed by OpenAI and released in November 2022. The chatbot has a language-based model that the developer fine-tunes for human interaction in a conversational manner. Although its primary use case is for customer service, the power …

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