Compass IT Compliance Blog / Vishing

How Secure Is MFA Based on SMS?

Woman texting on phone

In an era dominated by advanced technology and an increasing number of cyber threats, ensuring the security of our personal and professional accounts has become paramount. One of the best ways to secure our accounts is through multi-factor authentication (MFA). For those who may not k …

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Vishing: Over-the-Phone Scamming

Vishing Phone Call

It's always scam season, so it helps to stay vigilant all year round. Cyberattackers scarcely rest. They are constantly developing novel approaches for stealing confidential information and vast sums of money from businesses worldwide, disrupting operations and causing considerable da …

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8 Different Types of Social Engineering Attacks Explained

Social Engineering

What Are Social Engineering Attacks Social engineering attacks are a common method used by cybercriminals to manipulate people into divulging sensitive or confidential information about themselves or taking actions that may cause harm to themselves or their organization. Social engine …

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Bypassing Multi-Factor Authentication via Prompt Bombing

A woman logs into Facebook on her phone

It is the middle of the night, and you have finally fallen asleep, only to be awakened by the constant beeping of your phone. Bleary-eyed, you look at your phone to see it is prompting you to agree to log in on one of your accounts. You half wonder if you are dreaming and may instinct …

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Receiving a Scam Text… From My Own Phone Number

Verizon Building

Throughout my years working in the IT security and compliance field I have had the opportunity to learn about dozens of different social engineering attack strategies that malicious actors will utilize to achieve their goals. This past weekend, I had the unique opportunity to witness …

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‘Tis the Season – Don’t Fa La La to Holiday Scams

‘Tis the Season – Don’t Fa La La to Holiday Scams

As another holiday season quickly approaches and holiday gift lists are started, the scammers are also looking to deck the halls during one of their favorite times of the year. As many begin planning for shopping and holiday festivities, unscrupulous scammers are presented with ample …

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