Compass IT Compliance Blog / Pandemic Planning

The Difficulties of Remaining Compliant in the New COVID Landscape

The Difficulties of Remaining Compliant in the New COVID Landscape

If there is one thing that everyone can agree on in these interesting times, it is that COVID-19 has upset the apple cart in lots of different ways. Everything from school to work to social gatherings has been disrupted and changed over the last eight months, and some of these changes …

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Security Concerns to Consider Amid Re-Opening

Security Concerns to Consider Amid Re-Opening

During this unprecedented time in our country, many companies are under strain due to the changing conditions in their workplace. Unemployment rates have now surpassed twenty percent, meaning many companies are now operating with much less staff than they were a couple of months ago.

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COVID-19: Is Management Asking the Right Questions?

COVID-19: Is Management Asking the Right Questions?

What if you are the owner or manager of a business in today’s world? A few weeks ago, our world was turned upside down – to say the least. Management’s focus shifted from business as usual to figuring out how to keep employees safe and company doors open for business (in-person or vir …

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Home Network Security for Remote Workers

Home Network Security for Remote Workers

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented unprecedented global challenges at all levels of society today, from healthcare to social concerns. With much of the East and West Coasts experiencing government-enforced social distancing lock downs, businesses have had to scramble to turn their da …

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Lessons Learned from a Part-Time Teleworker in Quarantine

Lessons Learned from a Part-Time Teleworker in Quarantine

If you read our blog on a regular basis, you have seen more than one excellent discussion on pandemic planning and how to set up remote workers with proper policies, process, hardware, and software to ensure secure and compliant ways to keep working from home.

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Telecommuting (Securely) During a Pandemic Outbreak

Telecommuting (Securely) During a Pandemic Outbreak

Unless you live under a rock, you’ve likely seen the incessant news coverage of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). This has driven many companies to allow working from home for their staff. The technology has existed for years to allow workers that do not need to be in the office to work rem …

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