Compass IT Compliance Blog / Penetration Testing

What Is Ethical Hacking? A Comprehensive Guide

Ethical Hacker

In today’s world, the pervasive threat of cyberattacks has illuminated a stark reality: no computer system is entirely immune to intrusion. This challenge has paradoxically ushered in the role of ethical hackers — cybersecurity professionals who employ their skills to fortify defenses …

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Securing Your eCommerce Website From Hackers

Online Shopping

In the bustling world of online retail, safeguarding your eCommerce website against cyber threats has become more crucial than ever. The 2022 Verizon Data Breach Report revealed that the retail sector experienced 629 incidents in that year, with 241 cases resulting in confirmed data d …

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What is Flipper Zero? Portable Hacking “Multi-Tool” Explained

Flipper Zero

Wireless communication is integral to the modern world. Whether it is phones, Wi-Fi connectivity, or bank cards, these devices employ different types / wavelengths of wireless signals for their operations. Though infiltrating these signals traditionally demands a deep understanding of …

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Penetration Testing: Understanding Red, Blue, & Purple Teams

Red Team Blue Team

Data breaches are growing more expensive by the day. The average cost of a data breach is projected to reach $5 million by the end of 2023, up from $4.35 million in 2022. Penetration testing, or pen testing, helps you uncover unknown vulnerabilities and compliance gaps within your org …

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OWASP Top 10: Why Compliance to OWASP Matters

OWASP Top 10: Why Compliance to OWASP Matters

During a recent web application penetration test, my Compass IT Compliance colleague Jesse Roberts was quickly able to identify and exploit a coding vulnerability on a client’s public facing web portal. As part of the engagement, Jesse was initially granted “standard user” access to t …

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Ignorance Is Not Bliss When It Comes to Security Assessments

Ignorance Is Not Bliss When It Comes to Security Assessments

It is no surprise that bad actors constantly seek to take advantage of current events and changing circumstances to exploit vulnerabilities and gaps in the security of organizations across a myriad of industry verticals and sizes.

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