Compass IT Compliance Blog / Internet of Things

Cyber & Physical Security: Why You Need Both

Cyber & Physical Security: Why You Need Both

Cybersecurity attracts an enormous amount of attention due to cyberattacks that are publicized daily. As more devices are connected to the Internet, they become attractive targets for criminals; therefore, the attack surface increases exponentially.

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Home Network Security for Remote Workers

Home Network Security for Remote Workers

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented unprecedented global challenges at all levels of society today, from healthcare to social concerns. With much of the East and West Coasts experiencing government-enforced social distancing lock downs, businesses have had to scramble to turn their da …

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Grocery Stores – A Hidden Gem for Cyber Criminals?

Grocery Stores – A Hidden Gem for Cyber Criminals?

Following the recent closures of many public-facing businesses in the United States (and across the globe) in response to the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), this week’s blog post will discuss some of the cybersecurity challenges and vulnerabilities facing one of the only industries …

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Nest Cameras – Basic Defense In Depth


I’m sure many of you have seen or heard of the recently released viral video showing a young girl being yelled at in her room via her internet connected Nest camera. Obviously, this was on a home network, but it occurred to me that a large amount of commercial entities also have inter …

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