Sarina Resnick

Sarina Resnick

Sarina Resnick is a Software Development Engineer at Compass IT Compliance. She recently graduated with honors from Bryant University with a double major in Information System Analytics and Marketing, and uses her knowledge and experience to help Compass run more efficiently. Sarina first joined Compass as an intern, but has recently joined the team full time.

Posts by Sarina Resnick

Colorado Protections for Consumer Data Privacy Act - What to Know


Last spring, Colorado followed the actions of several other states and countries by taking steps to enact legislation that helps consumers protect their data. The state passed the Protections for Consumer Data Privacy Act (HB18-1128). Signed into law on May 29, 2018, and taking effect …

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CCPA – Compliance Before Consequence


Becoming compliant with new laws can be frustrating. Companies are finally making it over the curve of being completely compliant under the recent General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and now there is yet another regulation that needs to be complied with. As of June 2018, The Ca …

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Software Development Lifecycle Simplified


Project creation can be stressful, especially when creating something completely new. When creating a project that is software-based, there is a specific process that is created to aid the production of said project.

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What is PII? Important Distinctions in Information Security

What is PII?

What Is PII? PII is the acronym that keeps getting thrown around but never seems fully understood. It stands for "Personally Identifiable Information." Knowing what it stands for is just as important as knowing why it is becoming increasingly important to the integrity of your cyberse …

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